Hello All

Lee Peedin lpeedin@mindspring.com
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 20:05:35 -0500 (EST)

Been kinda of slack on my email lately, so
thought I'd write a note to all to say hello
and hope you all had a safe and enjoyable
Thanksgiving.  We all met at my folk's home
and had a real nice time. Daddy fell and
bruised his back, but other than being a bit
sore, he's fine.

Picked up several nice pieces over the last
couple of weeks, mostly matte white and
matte green pieces - my favorites. Also
'stole' Bobby the Baker cookie jar at the
auction Sat. night for $20.00  Spent most of
my Friday after TG, putting up more shelves
and rearranging the displays.  The flower
committee at our Church has shown an
interest in using some of our pottery in
their various seasonal arrangements.  It
really is a shame to have all this stuff and
not share it with others.

May I invite you to visit my hometown's web
site at www.selma-nc.com  You'll find a
listing of all the antique dealers (17 at
present and still growing).

ALSO - call the Smithfield-Selma Visitor's
Bureau at 1 800 441-7829 and request they
mail you a copy of "Hometown Living in
Smithfield-Selma, North Carolina".  Ask for
the latest edition, 1999. (I'm sure I'm somewhere in the picture inside the front cover.) It
should be free and there's several great
articles on Selma's turning from a ghost
town to an antique mecca. If you speak to
Jean Massengill tell her you're an internet
friend of Lee Peedin. If they have any
copies of North Carolina Traveler, ask for
that, too. More good articles and pictures on

Good night for now.

Lee in NC


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