Jeremy Anthony Kinsey
Thu, 28 May 1998 17:30:06 -0600
Hello, you are probably wondering to yourself: "Where in the Hell did
this message come from" Well quite simply this is yet another one of the
projects we work on in twilight hour when we are by ourselves. This is
the McCoyPottery.Com List Server. What is a list server? Well quite
simply it is a small SMTP based email system that processes requests from
subscribers and sends/receives/processes mail messages from and to all
who subscribe to it. Quite simply this is a Mailing List. You have been
subscribed to the McCoyPottery.Com Mailing list my the List Mom, that's
me. <webmaster@mccoypottery.com>
Also, I have adjusted your machine so that it logs into you
McCoy@mccoypottery.com account instead of forwarding mail through
mia.net. In order to post messages to the list you should do the
Send your message to: McCoyPottery-Talk@list.mccoypottery.com
When ever you or me, or anyone else sends a message to this address, the
listserv will send the message on to all who subscribe and visa versa.
This will or should prove to be quite useful in giving McCoyPottery.Com
users a place to chat with each other and also converse with the expert?
And the List Mom, that's me. Will keep the peace and act as a moderator;
keeping the list clean, and making sure idiots figure out how to use it
If you have any further questions about how this works, or would like to
see it in action, you may do so by scheduling an appointment to the
following address: nowhere@nowhere.com
This list will also send out a "Digest" at regular intervals, to give an
overview of hot topics on the list over a weekly or monthly period. The
choice is yours. This system is 99.9% automated, and should be quite
easy to maintain.
McCoy Pottery Online
McCoy Pottery Online http://www.mccoypottery.com
e-mail: webmaster@mccoypottery.com
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