Pottery marks

ELIZABETH VAUGHN revaughn@webtv.net
Thu, 8 Oct 1998 23:30:35 -0400 (EDT)

This webtv is something.  It was down fo at least 12 hours yesterday and
for about 5 or so hours this evening.  When I called, I actually got a
real live man to talk to and like a miracle it worked again.  As to the
Trenton Pottery piece, unless there would be something in the general
antique price guides or Harvey Duke's book on pottery,and I haven't
looked, I think the value would be in what someone was willing to pay.
We don't go looking too much anymore, but sounds like someone had a fun
time.  My daughter and I are going to a flea market or two this
week-end. She is into collectible glasses and is selling on ebay with
some success.  Our favorite flea market in the '70's when our kids were
young was at a drive-i movie theater on the site of what isnow Wendy's
national headquarters.  Did you all know that the very first one was
right in the heart of down-town Columbus, Oh?  Elizabeth


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