
List Mom
Wed, 9 Sep 98 10:38:42 -0000 said on 9/9/98 1:45 PM

>I am thinking about selling some of my pottery to a dealer but I don't 
>want to
>get ripped off. What is the percentage I should expect for her to offer?
>Thanks. Sheryl

Percentage of what?  Do you know the value of the pottery you intend to 
sell?  Are you looking for a percentage above or below that amount?  If 
your selling to a dealer, I would expect to get less than you would 
selling it out right.  The dealer is looking to make money too.  I 
shudder to use the words "ripped off" where as a dealer is concerned, 
perhaps you should be selling this stuff yourself, unless he/she is 
offering a good amount of money, and or you need the money now.


The List Mom

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