Re;little red ridinghood cookie jar
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 22:41:48 EDT
It definitely becomes a passion. You have to be wise in purchasing, but in all
honesty, a true collector sees what they want, and if they can afford
it...they take it home. My grandparents worked in the Brush/McCoy pottery in
Roseville, Ohio for many years before it was closed down. Naturally I grew up
with it not knowing what was all around me. Now I'm recollecting all the
things that were given away over the years. My grandmother loves it. She
"selectively" gives me thing when I visit which unfortunately isn't enough.
I'm in Michigan. But she has given me several cookie jars and she has several
more around her house. I also have many planters but I'm going to sell them
and concentrate on my jars and pitcher collections. I only recently sold my
Watts pottery and Roseville. I have to support my true addiction. Nice to talk
with y'all. Sheryl
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