Identifying Planters
Linda Guttroff
Tue, 15 Sep 1998 12:10:06 PDT
>From mccoypottery-talk@secure.mia.net Mon Sep 14 19:14:29 1998
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>Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 22:13:51 -0400 (EDT)
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>To: McCoy List <mccoypottery-talk@secure.mia.net>
>From: Lee Peedin <lpeedin@mindspring.com>
>Subject: Identifying Planters
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>Hello All,
>Read one time in a McCoy cookie jar book
>that McCoy used several different "foot
>prints" on some of their cookie jars (X & Y).
>Does anyone know is this applies to planters
>I have several planters that these types of
>foot prints, but haven't found them in the
>Huxford book.
>Also, is it ok to attach pictures to these
>emails? I can send digital pictures of
>these pieces. I also have several marked
>McCoy that I would like more info on.
>Looking forward to getting to converse with
>all of you. I'm fairly new at this (about
>50-55 pieces so far).
> Hi Lee, I'm new to this too, and would like to find out where
to look for McCoy pieces, or do you just stumble on them by chance.
My husband and I just sold by mistake, since we did not know anything
about McCoy pieces, a tulip vase that belonged to his mother. I wish
now I had known what I had. I have since bought a McCoy book! Would
like any help you can give us. Thanks - Lin
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