Where is everybody

List Mom listmom@mccoypottery.com
Wed, 23 Sep 98 15:52:07 -0500

Lee Peedin said on 9/22/98 4:58 PM

>Hope I didn't scare everyone off when I sent
>the emails with attachments.  Seems like
>things have really slowed down since then.
I don't think you scaid anyone, however please be advised that 
attachments are not allowed on the list, as they get sent to everyone on 
the list.  There may be someone out there screaming and yelling as they 
wait for there mail to download on a 14.4, etc..  In the future it is 
suggested that you simply send attachments only to those who specifically 
request them to their own email address.  

take care,


The List Mom

McCoy Pottery Online                    http://www.mccoypottery.com
e-mail: listmom@mccoypottery.com                          
List Server: http://www.mccoypottery.com/mailinglists

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