Black Chef Fake

Terry Kinsey
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 18:43:31 -0500

>Terry, I wish,
> I could tell on the people who are ripping people off, not stating if a
>cookiejar is a repro...But eBay has strick rules, and if anyone writes to a
>high bidder and tells them the piece may be a fake can be kicked out of eBay
>for bid interruption..
>I have in the past, though written to a seller, and asked, nicely for them to
>mention, in their listing, if the jar is a new one...some do & some don't...

I understand the point you make, however I just today received email to
my email address off the list asking about repros and  I have  seen repros
on ebay which the seller did not like the comments and questioned my
knowledge....Once again ebay is great for cars, toys, and jukeboxes, but
unless the seller puts up a photo of the cookie jar, caution should be the
key note...for:  Mammy with Cauliflower, Indian Head, Colby Cat, Mammy
just to name a few and then there is the McCoy Little Red Riding Hood. Ha Ha.
or is that LOL?  Anyway Jo, I do not feel warm and fuzzy with ebay with McCoy
vendors.  Once again I am not picking on any individual just the problem with
vendors who sell something they do not realize is a repro.  Key here is a photo
of the item.  If no photo do not bid....even if you want a repro because
you can
not afford  the real thing...A true McCoy collector will have no repros.
If you
want a repro perhaps ebay should have a repro page for sellers and buyers.
Anyway Cheers!  Terry the purist
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