Getting caught up

Lee Peedin
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 09:30:25 -0500 (EST)

Finally getting around to checking my email
after the holidays.  Been very busy at work 
- Y2K is upon us.

Don, so sorry to hear about your loss!

My youngest daughter's boyfriend gave me the
vintage car cookie jar.  Bless his heart,
when he say it he thought it was a 'planter'
- the lid is missing.  Otherwise it's in
excellant condition.  If anyone comes across
a lid for this jar, I would be very
interested in buying.

I also received my first HULL book.  It's
amazing how many odd pieces I'm now able to
identify.  I'll buy most any kind of
stoneware if the price is right & I like it.
My wife particually likes pitchers.  We have
one that I'm sure we gave no more than $5 or
$6 for.  It was only marked USA 6-6.  She
found it in the Hull book, and it'd probably
sound like I was bragging if I told you the
listed value - needless to say we were both
well pleased.

Got a big New Year's day auction at the
auction house I work at on the week-ends. 
Hope to find lots of McCoy!!

Lee in NC


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