McCoy, McCoy, McCoy
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 21:04:29 -0500 (EST)
There are things going on the whole week of July 11-17, and some people
come before that. The McCoy Lovers Reunion is that week. Contact Nancy
Spruill, McTea42@aol.com about that. The show we will probably do is to
have a preview on Wednesday and a show on Thursday. The Pottery Lovers
show is in Cambridge, east of Zanesvill, that Friday and Saturday. In
the days when that show was in Zanesville, we were about the only ones
with McCoy or Brush. Now you should see those booths-and the prices!!!
However, you will feel you have died and gone to art potter heaven if
you go to this show. You will see some of the most beautiful Weller,
Roseville, and Rookwood you can imagine as well as pottery you may not
have heard of. It is a big show.
I guarantee that if you come there, you will see much, much pottery.
We will be at the Thriftlodge, so look us up. The only thing that would
change that is if something unforeseen comes up.
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