Re[2]: Y1K
Lee Peedin
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 19:06:09 -0500 (EST)
It looks like I'll be visiting Ft. Dodge,
Alden, & Algona in IA and of course all
points in between. My main points in AR will
be Little Rock to Russellville. If I make it
to KY on this trip it will be in the Franklin
area, but will probably have to put off KY
till another trip.
Bought a McCoy bean pot Sat. nite that I
would normally pass since it doesn't have a
lid, but it was only $2.00 and still
displays OK w/out the lid. It has a pattern
I haven't seen before - a rooster with roses
and daises around it. The bottom is a light
beigh and the top dark brown. The marking is
342 McCoy Ovenproof USA. If anyone has a lid
- I'd be interested.
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