New Snyder Book

Tue, 29 Jun 1999 22:37:45 -0400 (EDT)

We went to the mall at Medina, Ohio, and there was another one across
the road and up just a little.  The one we went to is at I-71 Plaza on
Rte. 18, just north of the interstate.  The other one would be just a
bit farther north on the other side of the road.  I believe it was
called Trade Winds. We ran out of time and energy because the one we
went to is so big.  We were there from the time it opened at 10:00 a.m.
until about 3:30, including time for lunch, which is available there.
There is also one at New Philadelphia that is supposed to be very nice.
Haven't been there, but I know people who have
The McCoy Lovers reunion is in Zanesville, headquartered at the
Thriftlodge, the week of July 11. There are several pottery auctions in
the areea that week.  Most of the McCoy activities are July 13 through
15.  For nformaon email Nancy Spruill at
To keep up with things, take the NMXpress.  Contact Carol Seman at
Contact Nancy right away if you are interested in the reunion.


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