DeeDee Don't Go
Bob and DeeDee Cook
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 18:56:40 -0800
Thanx Patty...and to all of you who have replied...You are all tooooo
kind!!...I shall remain long enough to do this "YardSale' if anyone is
interested...then I am off. By the way, I will be presenting an Award at the
Academy Awards on Sunday Night, hopefully, I will be winning one !!....By
now, you know that DeeDee Cook is my alias, I am very well known in Stage
and Screen......I shall give a wink and smile to all of you on the "McCoy
talk Line".....if I get a chance I will say ' McCoy Rules"...my husband is
screaming right now!! NO, NO, NO.....he is saying !!! heheehehe.....I make
him CRAZY !!....I thought that joining this "talk line" would give me a
sense of a "normal life"....I do Love McCoy...but (some of) you people have
taken more out of me than a hard days work on my set !! I thought I would
try to be "normal"...but I got a few reply's from someone who knew who I
was..on your site....
So, I am "out of the closet" so to speak....Please don't let it ruin what we
have....I really mean everything and would still like to have the garage
And I really did get burned by the dryer !! Oh, and I do love Crash
Bandicoot too !!!!!!!
!I have not "lied" about anything except for my name and where I work ( I
used a friends life)...I AM SOOOOOO SORRY...But you have to
understand....that when you get to the point of having your own show and
movies and all...you have to become an alias to have a normal life.....O.K.
PAL ???? Sorry, he said he would expose me..if I did not tell you all this.
Please, don't be mad..I am still DeeDee, opinions and all....and I love to
collect McCoy...and I would LOVE to have this Garage Sale...if anyone is
interested,,,,,and I am also sorry that I am soooo out-spoken...but what I
said...I met.!!!!!!!! Thanx for all your friendships...it really means allot
to me to have "normal" people to talk to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(well, some of
you!!!!!!!)....Jo, Beverly, Short49, AEM, WBross....THANX !!!!!!......
Fondly, DeeDee
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