List Mom
Fri, 14 May 99 18:12:36 -0500
Karen_Phillips@trimmasters.com said:
>Now that you mention that, Terry, I always heard that McCoy never made an
>"Aunt Jemima type" (sp) cj but in the new book HNH II they show a Mammy
>(not the cauliflower one). Now I am confused. But to address your email,
>I have always stayed away from the cookie jars because of all the frauds
>out there - ebay or not. There is enough McCoy other than CJ's to satisfy
>my 'addiction'. Just my thoughts!!!
McCoy Never made an "Aunt Jemima" but they did make a Califlower Mammy
and several other variations of the "Mammy" style jar... The Califlower
Mammy is more talked about and known, since it is quite a rare/expensive
find in good condition.
The List Mom
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