is this the talk line from helll?lunsubscribe please!

Bob Vogel
Sun, 16 May 1999 08:43:53 -0500

O.K., here's the real scoop. You got your List Mom out there every night
walking those dark, damp avenues and streets of ciber space, trolling
for young unsuspecting e-mail addresses to add to the ever growing
McCoyPottery chat line. In doing this List Mom hopes, through the
subliminal messages contained at the bottom of all texts, to one day
rule the world! God help us all when that sheriff takes over....;) Best,

> I have a question.  These people who ask to be removed had to get on
> here somehow.  How did they get on if they didn't sign up at one time or
> another?   I know that is how I got on.  If I get a message I am not
> interested in, I just  discard it,  Is that a feature of just webTV?
> Elizabeth
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> the following command in the body of the message:
> unsubscribe McCoyPottery-Talk
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