Cookie Jars

Sat, 16 Oct 1999 17:25:39 -0400

Hi! I only collect fruit and vegetable shaped cookie jars.  I have at least
4 different strawberry jars.  I am looking for a white and gold McCoy
pineapple and a Redwing yellow or pale green banannas.  Also any other
unusual vegetables like squash, eggplant... I have lots of apples, pears,
oranges, pineapples, grapes, the McCoy banannas, watermelons
The vegetables that I have include tomato, cabbage, peppers lots of
different colors, pumpkin.  I have many really old and some really new.  I
just can't resist.
I started collecting every thing that I saw and got seveeral jars that are
groups of fruit in baskets or bowls and I have decided I want to sell them.
Do you think anybody would be interested?
Regards, Marie
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