McCoy Chat Room
Tue, 21 Sep 1999 08:07:54 EDT

Hi Everyone,

Regarding the chats that are (were) on Tuesday nights.  We haven't had them 
for awhile.  When the chats first started, there was really no other way for 
people to communicate online.  There were no McCoy pottery email there are two!  There were no McCoy message 
there are MANY.  There was now EBAY (which probably is the biggest culprit).  
These other methods of McCoy communicating took away the excitement of the 
chats for the time being.

However, I for one miss the old times.  The chat room is always there, so 
lets start the chats up again.  How about tonight!  It's TUESDAY!  The time 
for the chat is 9:30 pm Eastern.  Unfortunately, only AOL members can get to 
the chat at this time.  There was an internet chat out there that some people 
where having a hard time getting to.  If the interest in the chat continues, 
we can work on that again.

At any rate, if you would like to join the chat tonight, and have AOL access, 
follow these directions:

1)  Go to:

2)  Click on "Chat on AOL" in the yellow box on the left side under the topic 
of collectors.

3)  Click "Enter here" and....Presto!  Your there!

Hope to see many of you!


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