McCoy, McCoy, McCoy
Friday, April 16, 1999 10:04 PM
What are you asking for your Pussy at the Wheel? We sold so much of our
McCoy when the mall we were in for so long closed because at the time my
husband didn't think we would do any more shows.
However, what I regret is selling any McCoy with cats because I have
quite a number of cat pictures, books and figurines.
Want #3026 cat with ball of yarn that one of our cats broke, and also
the spinning wheel, but probably won't be able to find them at a price a
senior citizen is willing to pay.
I know what you mean about talking McCoy--did it all the time at shows
and when I had time, when I worked part-time at the mall, if there was
interest in our pottery, I was off and running.
Keep it up, and enjoy it.
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