Question Re: Shipping Charges

Jeanette H. Windhorst
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 00:16:34 -0500


Email the bidder first,  question the shipping charge, and why it is so =
high. It didn't cost me that much to send over 20 pieces of china UPS to =
OK....but I don't inflate my charges any...I just charge insurance $.85 =
per $50, delivery confirmation .$.35, and actual postage depending on =
weight. If he refuses to come down on the shipping after stating actual =
charges in his auction, rather than "fixed", I think you have a point =
for not going thru with your high bid. If he leaves you a negative,  you =
can do a rebuttal response on Ebay, saying the postage was over-priced =
at $13.15. That will let other buyers be aware of his handling & postage =
policies if they bother to check his feedback....that is way too much =
for 1 vase....Jeanette


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