Listmom's remarks /yellow flower bowl

Melissa Graves
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 16:43:02 -0500

Ok Guys Look - this is the most absolutely ridiculous exchange possible.
Tuttihannover probably did not want to be unsubscribed - he probably just
wanted to stop getting stupid messages not related to McCoy Pottery.   I
just opened up my mail and had 32 McCoy messages over the last few days and
maybe 5 of them were pottery related.
Several people asked for this topic to be put to rest and I complied and
haven't said a thing yet.  And I am sorry to be bringing it up again but why
was he unsubscribed?  He was an active member as was evident in his sale
list.  This is ridiculous.
When someone posts on here regarding problems unsubscribing I wish the list
mom would contact them directly - not through a post on the list.  If at
that time in a personal note she/he wishes to question their reading ability
and belittle them then it is a personal exchange between the two of them and
all subscribers do not get involved.  Please lets get back to business!!!

I found out that my yellow flower bowl is a center of a McCoy lazy Susan.  I
would love to know more and if any subscribers have the rest of it and are
selling please let me know.

Have a wonderful sunny spring day!  - Melissa

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