(no subject)

ELIZABETH VAUGHN revaughn@webtv.net
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 21:44:48 -0500 (EST)

The pottery festival is during the week of July 11.  Yes, at keast some
of us from this list attend.  The TraveLodge in Zanesville is the McCoy
Lovers headquarters.  There is in-room selling and there are lots of
yard sales to go to in the surrounding area.  There will be several
pottery shows and auctions.  We have a mixer and auction on Tuesday
night and a banquet and show and tell on Thursday night.  The city of
Zanesville has special things planned for Wednesday evening.  We live
not much over 60 miles away, and that has been our "vacation" nearly
every year.  Come and join the fun.  Your best source of information is
the NMXpress newsletter.  Elizabeth


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