Remove Please
List Mom
Tuesday, March 16, 1999 10:25 PM
>Pam McCarrison said:
>>I just sent the e-mail that list Mom sent out in January on how to be
>>removed to De Witt. So I guess he will be out of the loop soon.
>>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
>thanx.. anyway this is mostly my fault since the list server software we
>have been using does not allow us to add a message to the bottom of every
>email that explains how to unsubscribe. Those of you "seasoned
>Internet/mailing list" users know what I am talking about. We had tried
>to upgrade the list server some months ago, but disaster struck and
>things did not work as planned. We will be attempting it again shortly
>however. With any luck it should work this time, but even with the
>instructions on how to unsubscribe at the bottom of every message that
>goes to the list, there will most certainly be someone who cannot read.
>now on with our regularly scheduled program..
>The List Mom
>McCoy Pottery Online http://www.mccoypottery.com
>e-mail: listmom@mccoypottery.com
>List Server: http://www.mccoypottery.com/mailinglists
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