Our own little auction

Vanessa Lee vanessa_k_lee@yahoo.com
Friday, March 19, 1999 10:59 AM

>Hi. I couldn't quite tell from recent messages if we are going to
>address our "garage sale" on this listserv of off of it, but I wanted
>to volunteer my interest and my services (I am a web developer and can
>help Jo out). I think it is a fantastic idea. Do we have dates/times
>or places in mind yet?
>Another thought: I have only been collecting McCoy for a year, and
>folks on this list have made mention of ghastly cost increases of
>late. Do ya'll think that Online venues like ebay are driving the
>prices up? . . . or did it start before that? Seems like ebay takes
>out the thrill of the "hunt" and replaces it with the thrill of
>"winning" the bid. I think I like the "hunt" better, but ebay is so
>EASY. I'm just curious if the Internet is partly responsible for
>making McCoy more accessible and more expensive.
>Vanessa in Texas
>Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com


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