McCoy posting
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 23:08:24 EST

Well, I'm probably going to sound like a crabby person here, but I'm feeling 
a little irked. As I understand it, I receive mail from this group because I 
signed on to something called "McCoy Pottery-Talk."   To me that means that 
I've joined a group where we share an interest in McCoy pottery.  I've agreed 
to receive messages from people interested in McCoy pottery.  Knowing that 
there are many people who are interested in McCoy pottery, I expect that I 
might receive thousands of messages from people in this group.  I expect to 
be interested in most of what is said, but know that if I'm not interested in 
some of it, I can just delete the posts and go on with my business.  If I've 
decided I'm not interested in most of it, I can remove myself from the list.

There was quite a bit of activity here a couple of weeks ago - fun 
discussions about McCoy pottery, who was collecting what, etc.  Then we were 
assaulted by several stupid messages asking to be deleted..or not to be 
deleted...blasting the ListMom...criticizing the way in which things were 
said.  Then "Tuttihanover" asks to be deleted, then complains about being 
deleted, and now again is complaining about getting mail postings.  Isn't 
that what we've all signed up for?  To get mail about McCoy pottery?  Perhaps 
this isn't the right site for him/her since this is a group designed to talk 
about McCoy pottery.  Am I wrong in my assumption that being part of this 
group means that I receive mail from individuals talking about McCoy?

Then, there is mail from "McCoy" who appears to think he/she is in charge of 
the topic of conversation and says it should end.  Despite what he/she 
thinks, I was very intrigued to read about this McCoy stock offering and its 
implications.  It was a very bizarre concept and while I was not sent 
information about this particular stock offering, I would like to know more 
about it - the intent, who is behind it, etc.  The conversation hadn't gone 
on for even an entire wasn't overkill, by any means, and I don't 
know why someone here would assume it was their right to end it.  I'd suggest 
that if someone is not happy with the topic here, they either introduce an 
alternative topic intended to grab someone's interest, or they simply delete 
mail.  Don't be telling me that I should stop discussing something that is of 

Sorry for sounding like such a grouch, but sometimes this Internet 
interaction makes me crazy.  I'd bet a million dollars that neither 
Tuttihanover or McCoy would act in person in the same way they've acted 
here...or if they did, someone would simply bop them on the head and tell 
them to shape up and stop acting like such a jerk.

Thanks for listening,

Vicki, the Grouch


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