Ugly Can of Worms
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 22:36:57 EST

Well, this has been lovely but there is no way I'm interested in being part 
of this group, on this site established by "Father" after the mail exchanges 
that I've listed below.  I've enjoyed the pottery discussions but this is 
just too much - guess that's what I get for "questioning" anything.  (Oh - 
and whatever this person believes - I've never agreed to any sort of 
"confidential" communication and Big Daddy can deal with his own fall out if 
it is not kept confidential...all I did was to complain that there was 
someone here who thought he or she was in charge.  Apparently, he thinks he 

Happy McCoy hunting.


Confidentially , The intent behind the site was not to have a high profile,
It was intended for the collectors and for the collector to feel part of it.

Unfortunately the discussion on the "stock offering" had to be cut short
quickly...Sort of like when you were a did not set well, but you
know that there is a reason and was done for your own good as well as your

Right or Wrong, I do not regret cutting if short and had to act.

Many times an explanation is not appropriate or required.  As far as the info
about the site it's purpose and about yours truly is available at the
site...specifically the
following URL:  It has been there
for 3 years.

I will end by saying, that anyone would  have acted without thinking that a
explanation is required if they had the knowledge about the topic "stock
offering"  that
I have.  Done so to protect the general public interest without creating a
liable suit.
On the List the public is viewing, on this email off the list, you and I
are having a
private confidential discussion.  While there is a List Mom...Iam the Dad
who must
be a Father once in awhile.  Cheers! and enjoy the McCoy.

P.S. Watch for future news to be announced on the List as there is
something big
coming to the site.

>I do thank you for your response and as I read over everything you've said,
>this makes more and more sense to me.  In part I wrote back to you - not to
>reopen the discussion or to question your authority (now that I know that you
>have some) but to request that you think about how your original message and
>how this entire thing appears to those of us who are "not in the know."
>How would I know that you had poured money into this site or that you had
>anything to lose by further discussion of this Mr Porto guy?  I simply found
>this site last fall because I was doing research because we were getting
>ready to leave on a two week trip from MN through WI, IL, IN, OH, etc. to
>look for McCoy pottery and other antiques.
>I think you have an entire group of people here who have no idea about any of
>this - they don't know anything about what you have to do with this list or
>who you are.  When you send a message as you did yesterday saying a certain
>topic is off limits, you may have a few people who know what your issues are,
>but you leave a much larger audience just thinking you're just one of us who
>participate here, who is acting like a jerk.
>When that happens with most of these Internet chat groups, you'll find that
>people react in a couple of ways.  They either question what is going on, or
>they move on and decide that the hassle of participating is more than they
>want to handle.
>I understand that you have some legal issues that are confidential, that you
>don't want to discuss and that you don't want discussed here...but couldn't
>you address that in a different manner so that you don't just turn people off
>by one of those "because I said so" lines?  That didn't work well when I was
>a child and that certainly don't work at all for me now.  You could have
>contacted the people who initiated the discussion to ask for their
>cooperation in ending the discussion...expecially since they were already
>involved. I wasn't a participant, but simply someone who found the discussion
>interesting.  If it had died on its own or if I'd received personal answers
>to my questions from the original participants, I wouldn't have felt a need
>to figure out what was going on.
>If what you've created here, "pouring money" into an Internet site to discuss
>McCoy, is truly intended to welcome every McCoy collector...those who've
>collected for years and those who've collected only a couple of
>need to be more aware of how everything that happens here appears to us -
>whether or not we are involved in these types of insider issues.
>And from the personal messages I've received about this issue, I'd believe
>that most people have no idea who you are or why you would believe you could
>control the discussion.  Again, I simply ask that you consider some sort of
>explanation...not related to this issue...but I think we'd all like to know
>that someone "owns" this site and any discussion that occurs on it.  You'll
>probably find that future compliance with your wishes is not quite so

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