A short personal note

Karen.Phillips@trimmasters.com Karen.Phillips@trimmasters.com
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 13:24:51 -0500

Didn't get to do any Mchunting this weekend.  The tourney turned out great.
Spent the day with my "boys",  Sammy and Ben.  Nothing like Grandkids!!!
Did get a large brown basketweave from an aunt!!  I only need a few more to
complete my collection of all colors, all sizes.  I am seeing a light at
the end of that tunnel.  But I have more to hunt down, too.  I do hope we
find the right sale or day.  It's always nice to share the McCoy
experience.   Enough of me.

For those of you who know Elizabeth Vaughn (on this line) and might want to
send her a card email or otherwise, her Mother passed away.   Elizabeth has
been a big help to me, given me advice and taught me a BUNCH about McCoy
and I know she does things like this for everyone so I thought I'd mention
this so  everyone can remember Elizabeth in their own way.

Karen in KY

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