[Mccoypottery-talk] Repro Warning

List Mom listmom@mccoypottery.com
Fri, 7 Dec 2001 17:44:54 -0600

Beth Cunningham said:

>Did you realize that there is a person listed in the classifieds section at 
>mccoypottery.com wanting to find a supplier of McCoy reproductions?  This 
>person is listed as Antique Peddler, so certainly sounds as though they 
>mean to sell any they can find.  Isn't it a bit hypocritical to suggest 
>that others clean up their act if we aren't attempting to stop this flood 
>of reproductions in our own backyard?  Maybe no one in authority has yet 
>noticed this ad, but I hope that something can now be done about it.  Beth
Well the site is not updated that much, and is admittedly a hobby which 
take a sideline in most cases to my "real" job.. However, I do what I can 
when someone brings things to my attention.. I will see that it is looked 


The List Mom

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