[Mccoypottery-talk] No good to lurk

dmrcunni@ACS.EKU.EDU dmrcunni@ACS.EKU.EDU
Fri, 05 Jan 2001 18:27:44 +0000

  While Chiquita and Elizabeth are a never ending source of imformation (I am 
always amazed at their knowledge of McCoy!) there are so many others who have 
so much information to offer. To mention a few I would have to include you, 
Jackie, and Karen and Terry amd so many others.  This chat line is one of the 
best McCoy educations available.  Beth

Hi All,
> Just thought I would mention that the Winter 2000 Collectibles Flea Market 
> Magazine has an article on Smiley Face items. The McCoy Smiley Face Cookie 
> Jar is listed at: $65-80 and the Smiley Face mug lists for: $15-$20. This is 
> a great issue to keep with your McCoy collection.
> Chiquita, the show was great and anyone who collects McCoy should get a copy 
> of the show. (I don't collect cookie jars but, of course, own a few being a 
> McCoy collector!).
> This is the best place for McCoy info, thanks to people like Chiquita and 
> Elizabeth.
> Jackie
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