[Mccoypottery-talk] No good to lurk

McQuita@aol.com McQuita@aol.com
Fri, 5 Jan 2001 21:14:02 EST

Jeanette, there is a l0 inch plate, small cereal bowl and pie plate...first 
two are marked usa, pie plate might not be marked. There is a floraline 
planting dish, marked as such. two tumblers,different shape, mugs, different 
colors, planter/saucer.cookie jars. What have I missed.  These regular mugs 
have been reproduced so don't buy them unless they're clearly marked mccoy 
and of the proper weight.  Oh yes, there are the two sizes of the bank...  
Chiquita (the top of the cookie jar has been cut off to make a mold for a 
reproduction bank--another BEWARE) Chiquita

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