[Mccoypottery-talk] Wow!

Mark Clark mark3@tcac.com
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 12:50:51 -0500

I can't believe it!!!  Everyone had a date in the chat room and I missed it!!!  Oh, well.  I will definitely keep trying - at least it is started now!  Can everyone agree that when a time is mentioned, it is EST?  That would help everyone to know exactly what time we are talking about...

Thanks for the repros lists (not CJ's and CJ's).  I have run into one more repro (or really a "wanna-be") and will email it later when I have more time.  

As for the chat room:  Tuesdays work fine for me but much later due to daughter's gymnastics.  Can we maybe list 2 or 3 days as a "regular" meeting time for people to join in?  Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays sound good to me.  We could even give it a window of time to join in from 7:00 to 9:30 EST and that way people could just stop by when they had the chance on those days/times.  Let me have everyone's thoughts!!!

It's exciting to see so many people as enthused and hooked on McCoy as me - I've only met one other person locally who understands my habit...  :-)

BARB:  I think I could have sat with Red for hours and listened...  It was amazing the stories he was wanting to chat about and the people he knew.  He was a walking pottery encyclopedia!!!  I just didn't have enough time to spend that day!  I hope to return soon and get some more pieces from him.


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