[Mccoypottery-talk] Cookie Jars
Betty F. Nelson
Sun, 02 Sep 2001 11:31:59 -0500
I have not taken time to look in my books for any of these but I had filed a very
interesting note that was posted before about repo cookie jars. I saved it but not for
sure who posted it. I think it was Sheldon. You need to thank some one other than me.
Has any one heard when the cookie jars are going to be on Incurable Collector????
Here is the list of repo's:
cauliflower mammy, chairman of the board, clown bust, calmatians in rocking chair davy
crockett, gleep
green& yellow, hobby horse Indian head, leprechaun red & green & multicolor mammy white&
green (aqua blue teepee. I know in one of my book it stated that Mccoy did not do a red
hiding hood but in
1993, because Mccoy did not register his trade mark in Aug 31, 1992 the trade mark was
giving to a man
called Jensen. I found this info in my "Collector's encyclopedia of Cookie jars book II.
page 244. In 1993
Jensen did a red riding hood cookie jar. marked Mccoy 93. value 90- 110. I have other
list of brush mccoy
repo's. But that will come later. Hope this has helped everyone.
Ruth Ann Look wrote:
> Barbie, Sorry but after checking in these four books, Kovels price list
> 2001, Warmans Americana & Collectibles, Warmans Antiques and their
> prices and Price Guide to Antiques, I found several cookie jars by Mc
> Coy but not a train. Sorry about that, haven't a clue. Ruthie
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