[Mccoypottery-talk] Cookie Jars

Betty F. Nelson bettyfnelson@home.com
Sun, 02 Sep 2001 12:50:41 -0500

Barbie: After looking farther I have found on page 320 of the HNH McCoy Vol I that is
inside the back cover, they have all kinds of trains.  Called Iron Horse "Jupiter 60" in
original box $75- $100.  The entire set, Locomotive, Wood Tender, Mail Car, Passenger
car   $250-$350.  The word McCoy is not used and I am assuming that it is all McCoy.
With any other author you would know it was but with HNH they like to photograph rag
dolls, dogs and other junk with the mcCoy pieces.
In the Collectors Encyclopedia of McCoy Pottery by Sharon & Bob Huxford on page 91 they
show an engine for $150-175 ,and caboose for $140-$165.

Ruth Ann Look wrote:

> Barbie,  Sorry but after checking in these four books, Kovels price list
> 2001, Warmans Americana & Collectibles, Warmans Antiques and their
> prices and Price Guide to Antiques, I found several cookie jars by Mc
> Coy but not a train.  Sorry about that, haven't a clue.  Ruthie
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