[Mccoypottery-talk] New to Mc Coy

Sherri Napier sl_napier@yahoo.com
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 15:45:47 -0700 (PDT)

When you find a good reference book let me know!!! I
have been collecting the brown drip since the mid 70's
and have about 400 pieces.  I just started branching
out to other pieces such as the planters.  The dinner
plates and lunch plates are not marked. (I bought my
set new)  Some bowl will only have 5 marked on them. 
Sometimes you just have to hope.  But watch out it is
very addictive, you start looking for a piece you
don't have, then another one, then you are hooked: a
McCoy Junkie.  
So just enjoy.
- chris borick <borick@worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> Hi.  I am brand new to Mc Coy, or at least what I
> think is.  All your e-mails lead me to believe what
> I have  it is brown drop (thanks). I just thought it
> was fun (and reasonably priced) so I bought some. 
> Lots of pieces are marked, but what about dinner
> plates?  Also, what is a good reference book for
> brown drip?  Thanks and looking forward to
> collecting with you.   Lisa

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