[Mccoypottery-talk] ordering books
Patti & Greg (Jim) sync-hronicity
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 09:05:25 -0100
I was browsing on half.com and they do have some good deals on books as well Lots
of McCoy books . I also recommend If you don't have one a Brush-McCoy book. There
is so much you don't see in the other McCoy guides . I have had kewl looking a
vase/jardinier for a year or so that I Bought in a thrift shop the lady knew
i bought neat pottery and she showed it tome it wasn't out because it had
another planter jammed into it and it was stuck tight <grin> A challenge to me
that I couldn't resist I did get it out only causing one glaze flake on the
big vase rim by carefully breaking it tapping it lightly until it cracked.. ( the
stuck planter) so it would finally be in pieces. I couldn't ID it for resale
so I just put it on a shelf with my own collection , and then Last Night To my
surprise while checking My Brush-McCoy book I happened across this vase ! I had
though I pretty much knew what was what but I guess we sometimes forget a few
things here and there when we don't look at the books for a long time.. Most of
this stuff was unmarked so You really have to compare closely with some of the
stuff made by Shawnee that looks very much like it. I also saw they did make a Red
riding Hood cookie jar that Very different from the one Hull made. My book is a
few years old and the value on this jar was high then so depending on area
and market this jar May have an even higher value today. I have never seen an
authentic one of these for sale anywhere so I guess it may be called Scarce? More
info then you needed to know I guess LOL.. but I am in a sharing chatty
mood today having made a few nice buys this weekend including a kewl floraline
piece ( usually I pass on this stuff but this one I liked) diamond shaped
low centerpiece bow worth candle holders and a flower frog plastic but it shows
the bowls use and finally getting my mystery vase Identified. Hope everyone has
a good week . Patti
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