[Mccoypottery-talk] Re:Violin Wall pocket and Mr. Peanut Cookie Jar
Madonna Kay Webb
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 07:22:05 -0600
Thanks Betty for all your help!
-----Original Message-----
From: Betty F. Nelson <bettyfnelson@mchsi.com>
To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com
Date: Monday, December 09, 2002 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] Re:Violin Wall pocket and Mr. Peanut Cookie
>Madonna, I remember a short few years ago when I ask the same question.
>What is this HNH that was used and I imagine there are some 'lurkers' out
>there that only read that don't know either. H. stands for Bob Hanson, N.
>stands for Craig Nissen, H.is for Margaret Hanson. The 3 of them
>co-authored 3 of the best reference books on the single subject of McCoy.
>It gives the thumbnail history of the company, the various fires, changes
>ownership and finally the closing. If you are really curious about
>just buy the books and you will get to see her. I have no problem with
>Chiquita being in my book but I do wish they had left their dogs, related
>babies and lots of ferny foliage and junk that hide part of what I bought
>the book for. That is just my own gripe with the lay out of the books. I
>suppose there might have been people that have bought the books to look at
>Fergie the dog but I know of 3 sets they didn't sell because of people that
>felt even stronger than I about having the unwanted material. Any way I
>on one of my rants. The books are available from any good book store. If
>they are not on the shelf you should be able to have them order them. I
>know they are online at Amazon.com and I will just do a small commercial
>Schroeder publishing. They are the ones that put out the wonderful yearly
>price guide to antiques and collectables. I just went to
>www.collectorbooks.com. and found that I am going to treat myself to a
>birthday present tomorrow and join their 'membership' list to have access
>the library of information on line. I clicked on their best sellers and
>found all 3 of the HNH books. The names are McCoy Pottery Volume I McCoy
>Pottery Volume II -Collectors Reference & Value Guide and the third one is
>called the Encyclopedia of McCoy I think. The Volume II has a list of all
>the cookie jars and also a list of the top 100 findables. The 3rd has an
>index of all 3 volumes and tells the years the item was manufactured. It
>also has many many of the old catalog pages where you can see how much they
>were a dozen back when. There is a printable order blank on the Collector
>Book site. I did not print it but I think you have to be some sort of
>'business', like a flea marketer or constant shopper or something of the
>sort to order from them and I believe there is a minimun of 6 book order.
>could easily find a dozen books I would love to have. Need or afford is a
>different subject.
>I do not know how long the copy cat companies have been doing their damage.
>I do know that on many of the wallpockets people have thought they had a
>McCoy or some other well known name and what they have is a cermic piece.
>Many of the cermic molds are similar. There are pictures of the violin
>wallpocket in every HNH book but none mention cold paint (surface paint
>applied cold and never fired) so if you have peeling off paint it was no
>doubt done after it left the factory. All of the other are listed at a
>lesser price than the white and gold.
>Sorry for the length of this but hope it will help on the books. Betty
>Okie from Iowa
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Madonna Kay Webb" <butcherholler1@classiconline.net>
>To: <mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com>
>Cc: <bettyfnelson@mchsi.com>
>Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 9:13 PM
>Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] Re:Violin Wall pocket and Mr. Peanut
>> Betty
>> I have a couple questions, I am new to this and I don't know what HNH
>> I believe this violin wall pocket has been painted over it appears to
>> white and pink under gold paint. The paint is not in good shape on this
>> wallpocket but there are no chips or cracks. They were my mothers I
>> them all wraped in newspaper and when I was unwrapping them the part of
>> paint came off and exposed the paint or color under the gold paint that
>> appeared to cover the whole violin. I have two of them.
>> Thanks
>> Madonna
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Betty F. Nelson <bettyfnelson@mchsi.com>
>> To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com
>> <mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com>
>> Date: Sunday, December 08, 2002 3:31 PM
>> Subject: [Mccoypottery-talk] Re:Violin Wall pocket and Mr. Peanut Cookie
>> >I am sorry that I hit the delete button so I can't use anyones name but
>> >have checked in my
>> >books and I have found the Violin wallpocket. It is on page127 of HNH
>> >II it is shown in a
>> >"unusual color" white with gold trim. It is from the mid 50's and don't
>> >wish I had the one mom had on her wall in the mid 50's, its value is
>> >as $150-200!!
>> >It says it should be 10 1/4" tall. It also says it should be marked
>> >There have been many wallpockets copied, are you sure yours don't have a
>> >mark on it? I hope you do have.
>> >
>> >There is a peanut McCoy cookie jar. You have to use your imagination to
>> >even try to imagine what made them call this a peanut. No resemblance
>> >Planters Mr Peanut. Don't even look like a peanut, it is a yellow jar
>> >says Cookies on it' but the index of all McCoy cookie jars in Vol.II HNH
>> >is called a peanut and you can see it on page 281. I wasn't impressed
>> I
>> >didn't even write down the value but I believe it was $40-50.
>> >
>> >Hope that helps some. Betty the Okie in Iowa. (I have no McCoy to
>> >sell.)
>> >
>> >
>> --
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