[Mccoypottery-talk] Cookie Jar

The McNeal's mcneal@ocsonline.com
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 16:37:18 -0500

    Help. I have a cookie jar that I can't identify. It is similar to the M=
cCoy "Cookies" barrel made in 58-68 but it is a lighter color and has "Cook=
ie Barrel" on the side instead of "Cookies". It is not marked. I got it an =
estate auction where there were quite a few McCoy pieces. I got this one an=
d another pretty cookie jar that is unmarked for a few dollars. They were t=
he last two of all the cookie jars. The lids have been glued on them. I thi=
nk that was why nobody would bid on them. But they were treasures for me. A=
ny help is appreciated on telling me the maker of it. I don't know how to d=
escribe the other one except it is round shaped purple in color with a coup=
le yellow flowers and handles on the side. Thank you.

Crystal in GA

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