[Mccoypottery-talk] whoever sent e-mail about item 2065730422

Patti jplev1@comcast.net
Fri, 01 Nov 2002 00:07:18 -0200

Sounds Like  good old  faye is trying to cover  her ass-ets  disclaimers  but still
lying  she knoows exactly what she is selling   Hull  never made  a stupid  mistake  like
using another companies mark  and  fyi  jenson doesn't  own that mark  it was in dispute
he lost it   after '92  and oon the registry site it states that mark  is  what they call
dead   or abandoned the cliams  of woning  any  cthe company are  lies  the company  was
never reserected  and is still owned by  someone  else only a  few old marks were up for
grabs  one old theone we see on the New   repos  or fakes  and   the new company mark
that was never used.  colony something or other. anyone can  register  an old  abandoned
mark  but they cannot claaim to  every  be the original makers or own that  company who
used the  markoriginally.


> Hi:
> Just to let you know that the little red hiding hood cookie jar was never
> made by McCoy.
> That is why she is claiming Hull instead. It would be considered a fake
> if she claimed it was McCoy and could go to jail or receive a heavy fine
> or both.
> It is probably a reproduction of a Hull LRRH in which she still telling a
> lie because no HULL's had the word McCoy on it.
> It would be advised to ad FAYES to your list of unethical dealers and
> never by anything from them. Maybe this action will put them out of
> business.
> regards,
> bobgunnell@juno.com
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Items I have listed  On iOffer it's  not an auction its better!!
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