[Mccoypottery-talk] RE: Brown Drip Chocolate Pot

Capriherb Jennifer@webs-best.com
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 06:48:24 -0500

For whatever reason I've been receiving all the posts on the list for almost
a year now, but the "moderator" said I wasn't subbed.  I just re-subbed and
hope my message comes through this time.

Thanks Elizabeth.  I was so hoping someone would know the maker.  I really
don't think it's RR because of the weight but I don't know a whole lot
either.  I actually go by there around every 2 months so maybe I can ask
next time I'm near there.
You may know the answer though to a question I have for my couriers (I'm a
FedEx Manager during the day<G>) in Zanesville.  Do you know where McCoy and
Hull and Roseville potteries were?  Are there potteries there now at their
old facilities?  I know the towns, but not the streets.  I would just love
to drive by the old places and reminisce.
Jennifer Smith
Capriherb Farm
Baltimore, Ohio

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