[Mccoypottery-talk] Emailing: BLO197996_1AN

mjr twinner2@zbzoom.net
Sun, 10 Nov 2002 11:04:45 -0800

MessageI have the Volume II McCoy Pottery Book by Hanson, Nissen and Hanson=
.  The pattern is shown on page 27 in a jardineres.  The vase prices are fr=
om $70-$100.  There are several colors, matte blue and brown, ight yellow, =

The book indicates that these pieces all have the hand decoration in the le=
aves and berries area.  Vases with this decoration were part of the Nelson =
McCoy Company Loy-Nel-Art line.  The name of this line was actually a copy =
of thename of a line that Nelson's father, J.W. McCoy used for his pottery =
company in earlier years.  The name of the line came from his three sons' n=
ames, Lloyd, Nelson and Arthur.=20=20

The examples all are showing "no mark" on underside.=20=20
Mary Jo Rusnak

----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Helen Gardner=20
  To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com=20
  Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 7:30 AM
  Subject: [Mccoypottery-talk] Emailing: BLO197996_1AN

  I have a Mccoy vase I am trying to identify.

  I saw a vase in the same pattern on antique.com  attached that was listed=
 as  Nelson McCoy "Loy-Nel-Art" Vase and it's reference # was 96 1.  My vas=
e is unmarked and is very light in color. The vase is a deep rosy plum like=
 color and the flowers and berries on the front are  green.


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