Patti jplev1@comcast.net
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 22:59:25 -0100

jon ,
Maybe my view  about things  are  not so welcoed on the list lately but
on this I  must   voice it.
  these so called reposs  are not repos they are fakes all of them. Most
of them  go for higher thn  they would if real on ebay and too many of
them  Are no MCoy  designs but  other companies faeked to be new macoys.

I don't  agree with anyone buying fakes  for any reason but if you do
intend to do so make sure if you want Mccoy  you know which ones Mccoy
 and I  my  view again No self respecting pottery co  in Ohio would
fake Mccoys.
I was  informed they were  being made   by a man in tennesssee  as far
back as t the early  90's or further.
 As a pottery collector even if I couldn't afford the real thing  I
wouldn't by fake uless it was  as an example to expose it as such.
As a  seller I am  horrified  people would  buy this  junk when you
collect  something  it should be the real thing  . but thats your choice
and if you ever  find yourself having to resell for  some  reason  years
from now . I would hope you would  say they were repos .  There are
people who do collect  repos  plenty of them but  do they getthem
cheaper I  think it  is a matter of opinion .
there is a  repo supplyu house that sells only to dealers   In Birdsboro
Pa  Fred and dotties they only sell to dealers las I heard the  sold new
roseville and  new RRPco.  I have never been there but have seen the
rosevilles at auctions and in shop  all over the  USA.  they have a web
site  you  can find it in search last we check they didn't sell any of
the fake McCoy.  that was months ago. but knows  Fred is not a  very
nice  man.  I am told from a friend who buys  stuff from there for her
shop  ( she  does mark it as new)  No offense please  I am just stating
a  view as I see it and not a topic for  discussion. Patti

Please remember  all good things come to those who wait  you may find
what you really want  when you least expect it .

Items I have listed  On iOffer it's  not an auction its better!!
My eShowcase Collectors Niche & Cheap Eclectic Chic
(shabby   deco retro chic without the high  prices)
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