[Mccoypottery-talk] Lid NEEDED

BarbCrews barbc@thecookiejar.net
Sat, 02 Aug 2003 08:54:23 -0500

Those are usually hard to find, but it doesn't hurt to list it with Bill 
Kasting's Matchmaker site, although there are several listed there already.
It's a free site that lets people list their bases/lids to either sell, 
trade or looking for.

Good luck!


At 08:05 AM 8/2/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>We we found several nice items at the sale yesterday.  WOW at the people 
>and yard sales...
>HERE is what I need, I found the Old Fashioned Auto: Touring Car, Cookie 
>Jar....it is in excellent condition but I didn't have the lid, so any help 
>would be great.  Thanks. I also found the old Trollie Car planter in 
>excellent shape for 5.00
>Thank you,
>Teresa Clark
><http://teraypoodles.tripod.com/>Teray Poodles

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