[Mccoypottery-talk] What ever happened to the good ol G.W. we grew up with?

Chris Jubic cjubic@nycap.rr.com
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 22:41:53 -0800

I am in complete agreement with you, all the GW and SA's are RIP OFFS! Real=
ly a shame, like you said, since all the stuff is donated. Saw a nice used =
leather coat  in a SA once and they wanted $100.00 !!!! The funny part is, =
the stuff that is donated, whether by vendors or private individuals, is a =
tax write off. Every one involved makes out, the donator & the donatee'. Wh=
o is left out in the cold? The poor guy (like me) that cant afford $100.00 =
for a leather coat, even if it is nice!!=20

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Patricia Tomlinson=20
  To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com=20
  Cc: triciatom69@yahoo.com=20
  Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:01 PM
  Subject: [Mccoypottery-talk] What ever happened to the good ol G.W. we gr=
ew up with?

     G.W. should be investiated for high way robbery. Their prices are out =
rageous. They think any thing showing a little age is valueable.  Do their =
million $$$ profits still go to helping those in need?  I  haven' t seen  t=
heir tag on any good deeds in years.  Afterall every dime they make is prof=
it since its all donated.  I' ve always wondered about this.  I guess this =
was as good of a place as any to vent my feelings.  I send my donatations t=
o church thirft stores, that way I know I'm donating to a worthy cause and =
not some  big wig CEO's pocket.   I'd  like feedback on this one.=20

   McQuita@aol.com wrote:=20

    If y'all remember, I had the pleasure to meet young Tom here back at=20
    Christmas...He shared some of his "haunts" with me. LOL...I don't get t=
oo far=20
    off the trail although i have been known to suddenly decide to come hom=
e an=20
    entirely different route from that which I'd started on...happened last=
    monday. Thats when i found a goose c.j., a spoon rest, and a few other=
    things reasonable priced...One g.w. prices their items at market price =
    higher...same items have been sitting there for the past 6-8 months i'v=
e had=20
    to go to Moms so often. If y'all don't check out the thrift shops in yo=
    areas, you should find out where they are...goodies to come in there an=
d lots=20
    of times they're quite reasonable. Now if Tom could just find a girlfri=
    to help him with his mchunting, he'd be set...Can you tell we hit it of=

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