[Mccoypottery-talk] Re: AOL Instant Messenger
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 22:53:12 -0200
Becky yes you have the Im but within your aol program to be able to
chat with us non aol you have to download and install in you program
files outside of the aol program the version we download from the
aol site the one within you aol program is not the same thing it only
does chat with aol subscribers so essentially all will have to yours
the second version of the IM which stays separate from the regular aol
one in fact you can use both at the same time with your aol. buddy
lists are the same we have less imoticons then the aol program one
but we can do file transfers and buddy lists games just like you
can but with everyone not just other aol users. both the version
netscape uses and the msn chats are good to have anyway MSN allows
webtv users to chat where other IM"s don't. Patti
here is a link it isn't too big a program and every friend of mine on
aol uses both versions . its all the good stuff gfor chattign without
having to get or be online with aol which I dislike I prefer my
online to be just that a connection not a program with a connection and
too much clutter LOL. Patti http://aim.aol.com/aimnew/NS/congratsd2.adp
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