[Mccoypottery-talk] (no subject)
Thu, 02 Jan 2003 00:07:17 -0200
I gues s some people would rather just see this list sit with no
emqails when we don't have just a piece of McCoy discuss , I am
saddened that the McCoy looplist doesn't get as many messages as we
do also I love hearing a tid bit every so often from Nelson &
billie. when we form lists like this the list MOm makes the rules
and if he/she has no problem with us all talking and chatting and
adding little tid bits like a almost family and not have it all
biz or a list to hawk auction when I am all for keeping it the way it
is althought the green background did give a glare on one message
I knew it was sent for the season not as a constant thing and why
do we have statiary if we are not allowed to use it . Neettequet
aside if the list mons says its ok net e doesn't rule here. Keep
those friendly happy messages coming we enjoy each other the way
peopel should and not flame and snipe . Now thats my dimes worth
Hugs Happy new year Patti
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