[Mccoypottery-talk] more binary data

ACP acpearce@io.com
Sun, 19 Jan 2003 17:07:30 -0800

We had this discussion a few weeks ago and most
people have stopped sending binary data to this
mailing list.

Today, I received list messages, sent by
teedub@gamewood.net and nberlin@swfla.rr.com.
These messages contained "stationary", which is
considered to be BINARY data.  (In other words, it
contains codes which you can't type on a keyboard.)

When I opened each of these messages, it froze Netscape.
I had to kill NS and then reboot.  Now, in order to
delete these messages, I will have to surround them
with other messages and delete the entire mail sequence.

Yes, we all know PC software is lousy software,
but since we know that, doesn't it make sense to
stop sending binary data, that you KNOW will hose
someone's system, when it is opened?

Since we've discussed this in the past and the problems
have been enumerated by many on the list, I must assume
the perpetrators either don't care what their messages
do to others, or are new members, who didn't go thru
that conversation with us.   Which ever, I would ask
that everyone posting to the list, consider what
their message will do to the machine receiving it,
before they hit "send".
Consider how you'd feel if you were a member of 50 mailing
lists and only one, whose messages consistently hose your
system and force you to reboot to recover.
Consider how great you'd feel to lose that 15 minutes
with each of these binary messages and have the small
amount of time you've set aside for processing personal
mail, interrupted.
Chances are, you'd be ticked off, just like I was. :-(

*  A. Collene Pearce  *  acpearce@io.com  *  www.jump.net/~collene *

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