[Mccoypottery-talk] (no subject)

VSMITHW@aol.com VSMITHW@aol.com
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 00:06:07 EST

<<I'm still looking for the little two piece 
popourri thingey with a pink and blue stripe>>

Dear 'Quita,

I fear that, in your attempts to conform to these folks requirements, you've 
changed your email so that it now runs off the page to the right.  It's not a 
big deal...I certainly can follow it...but this all seems so silly.

When I have trouble with mail, I know it's AOL that is causing it...not 
anything that anyone else is doing.  When there's something that can be 
done...with settings...I think it makes sense to "set them" so that the 
majority of folks can read the mail.  When there's nothing to be done about 
it, I know I'd prefer to have the person rather than an "easier to read" 

I said it a couple of weeks ago and I don't hesitate to say it again...life 
is full of really difficult challenges.  We'll each need to face them, but we 
shouldn't have to face adversity in a place where we've come together to 
share information about McCoy pottery.  Suck it up...get over it...life is 
too short for the stupid stuff.


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