[Mccoypottery-talk] places to look for MCcOY

Loretta A. Payne-Nelson rett@netreach.net
Thu, 03 Jul 2003 03:27:49 -0400

Just let me know about a week ahead of time so I can give mom some 
warning.   If it will be on a /wednesday, then I need to know about 9 
days ahead.   Anytime, except weekend during the summer (my daughter and 
niece come over) is okay with me.  

Patti wrote:

>Glad you  are familiar with  29   you must have passed right through
>lambertville  many times and  never noticed  LOL. But now you will you
>are  collecting !! 
>Do you want to go junking with me one day and the other person who lives 
>near us????
>sure  I will let  you know  when I can  do it  sounds like fun hubby 
>will be goig back to work  soon we  hope  new   position he  is 
>interviewing  for  3rd time looks good and he is  getting  more fit 
>and  healthier  every day so I  won't need to be  home  as much . 

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