[Mccoypottery-talk] Re: [Mccoypottery-talk]

Betty Nelson bettyfnelson@mchsi.com
Sun, 6 Jul 2003 16:04:14 -0500

Now was this one of those rare McMoy LRRH Cookie Jar????? ;-)  Who was your
LRRH jar made by?  There was a friend of mine that got excited over a McCoy
LRRH jar just the other day and I know she knows better than that.   I have
a Lipton Tea Pot.  It is a single serving tea pot and it does say McCoy and
usa on the bottom and I call it a Lipton tea pot only because the auctioneer
that I bought it from is good reliable and a long time friend and he called
it a Lipton Tea Pot and I had no reason to doubt him.  Mine is a dark almost
black dark brown.

The shipping charges are outrageous!!  However how long has it been since
you packed and shipped anything.  I about dropped my teeth when a present I
sent my sis came to $15.00 just to make sure it was packed well enough to go
on a 600 mile trip.  By the way, I seldom get any thing I ship broken, and
when I am listing on Ebay I have shipped a bunch. I found out several years
ago that one of the BEST, totally free if you get your friends to save them
for you, packing aid is an egg carton.  The side where the eggs are packed
especially withstands more psi than any of your little balloons of air or
most of your 'peanuts' will squash flat before an egg carton will budge an
inch.  I have shipped many items packed in a light weight box like a cereal
box and packed in a larger box with the cereal box sitting on an egg carton
and one on each end and one on top.  Weighs almost nothing and I have never
had a thing get broken if I used my egg cartons.  Not even in shipping to my
son in Europe.

Betty in Iowa

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