[Mccoypottery-talk] cookie jars
Mon, 07 Jul 2003 14:14:37 -0700
I believe my favorite thing is teapots. I just don't have room for
the cookie jars. And besides, I just like teapots -- even the very
idea of them. :-) They are just so, so, civilized. :-)
But, I have been very bad; not to mention stupid. I went nuts
on ebay last night. :-( I saw all these teapots -- all different
kinds and no one had bid on them yet, so I just went along, bidding
on many of them, thinking others would out bid me and then I'd go
back and narrow the choices and make a final bid on the ones I
really did want. I did that for several things with existing, but low
bids. too.
Well, today I'm getting the notices --- you've won this, you've won
that. Good grief!! I never imagined I'd actually win much of anything.
I didn't win any of the McCoy things, though. :-(
Fortunately, when the shipping price was too high or when it was not
listed, I send the seller a note saying I was bidding on their item, but
did not want to get stuck w/ an exhorbitant shipping fee so if I got it,
send it cheapest possible method. I'm sure it didn't endear me to
some of them, but hey -- they don't have to sell it to me, if they
don't want to. ;-)
You know, when I was bidding on cameras, a few months ago,
I never even came close to getting an item I bid on. Go figure. ;-)
Well, gotta run take care of my green teapot and my pink vase
and my precious moments teapot and my Roseville planter and
my 3 "collectors" books and my StarTrek trading cards and...you
get the idea. ;-)
jconwill@bellsouth.net wrote:
> I will be counting all of mine in the next day or two and let everyone
> know how many McCoy cookie jar's I have. I guess you could call me a
> HUGH MCCOY JUNKIE, lol. I got the fever bad. I have several pictures
> of McCoy items I have in my house if anyone would like to see them.
> Please email and I will send pics.
> Linda C.
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