[Mccoypottery-talk] Upgrading NS, was: Using NS and not MS

acp acpearce@io.com
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 02:06:24 -0700

Actually, there really is no option about migrating to a newer version
of Netscape.  You will have to do it if you want to get to certain
websites.  NS 4.N does not support the plugins needed.

Netscape 6 & 7 take some getting used to, but within a couple
of days, they will feel perfectly natural.   However, if you do
plan to migrate (and you will have to eventually), take my advice
and DON'T try to use NS 6.   It's horribly buggy.

Interestingly enough, I have had to keep NS 4.7, even after migrating
to NS 7.  There are some genealogy websites that will not run properly
with NS 6 & 7.  They hang Netscape, completely -- all windows you
have open.  So, I keep old 4.7 for those sites and then I actually
had to install IE for a couple of ancestry.com pages/functions.   Now,
THAT really irritated me.  ;-)

Patti wrote:

>anyone wanting the last verson of netscape  let me  know its   4.8  and
>does have a bit  more updated stuff then the  4.7 ones last  I used
>before this one is  4.79  I tried the  new 6 and  7  its just  not my
>thing too much like its owners aol  I like  an unclutteed  easy to  use
>browser without all those side bars etc. 

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